Monday 15 May 2017

Engineering Mathematics Tutor in Delhi

There are some subjects for which it is difficult to find Engineering tuitions in Delhi. One of the students from DTU called us yesterday and asked for Applied optics and Condensed Matter physics engineering tuitions availability. We told him that yes we do provide the tuitions for this subject. Some of the regular faculty member of reputed institutes are associated with us they give tuitionsat our academy on part time basis. We have arranged tuitions for these subjects on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Timings will be of evening as suited by the group of students. Another student of UPTU called us yesterday and asked for the subjects of ET and PSA (Power system analysis Engineering tuitions in Delhi). 

Thursday 11 May 2017 coaching classes in Delhi

Question: Are you giving B.Tech tuitions for electronics core subjects like EMFT, DSP, VLSI etc.

Answer:- Yes we have separate batches running for these subjects at our academy on weekend as well as weekdays basis.

Question:- Are you giving B.Tech tuitions in Delhi for Electronics subjects as mentioned above for DTU, IPU and MDU.

Answer:- Yes we have special separate special batches for all these universities.

Question:- My son is studying in Australia and is getting it very difficult to clear Digital Signalprocessing subject? How can you help us?

Answer:- For international students currently we are helping following two ways: 1. We are giving them online tuitions via skipe 2. We are helping them to solve unsolved problems of assignment.

Question:- Are you giving B.Tech tuitions for Microprocessor and Microcontroller for IPU students?

Answer:- Yes we have special weekend batches for regular as well as reappear students.

Question:- I am a passout student but my degree is not cleared due to a backlog in Microprocessor subject, how can you help?

Answer:- If you are a working student you can join us as a private one to one basis.